Show times

Lieselotte De Keyzer / De polen

De vogels


Genre Dance, Storytelling
Access with festival wristband and ticket
Duration 60 minutes
Location 25. Bostheater
Type Open air
Accessible for Wheelchair user, Walking difficulties, Blind/ visually impaired
Language Dutch
Price € 15,50
De vogels

In this cheerful adaptation of a Greek comedy, Lieselotte De Keyzer and Kobe Chielens connect the ancient text in rhyme with expressionistic dance and forms. They took inspiration from The birds (414 BC) by the Greek comic playwright Aristophanes. Using the ancient structure, timeless themes, and archetypal characters in the text, they construct their own stage and performance.

Exhausted by corruption and bureaucracy, two Athenian citizens flee their beloved city. Determined to find a better place, Peisthetairos forms an alliance with the birds to build a new city between heaven and earth. Soon, she seizes power. Before the walls are even completed, she faces unwanted guests and discontented gods. The birds is a cheerful performance that sharply contrasts with the somber message of the text. For this, De Keyzer and Chielens invited actors Louise Bergez, Hans Mortelmans, and visual artist Sibran Sampers.

Accessibility info

De toegangsroute vanaf de fietsparkeerplaats is 85 meter gras/bospad.

How much can you cut before the story is lost? De Vogels seems to achieve the opposite: by showing as little as possible, it tells so much more. – Elie Angie, Etcetera (BE)
open map

Show times

Sold out? Check one day before the performance to see if there are any tickets still available.
Thursday 13 June 11:45
25. Bostheater Middle
Thursday 13 June 14:00
25. Bostheater Middle