Show times

Mees van Rijswijk

De Wachtkamer


Genre Storytelling
Access with festival wristband and ticket
Duration 40 minutes
Location 2. West-End Theater
Type Indoor
Accessible for Wheelchair user, Walking difficulties, Blind/ visually impaired
Language Dutch
Price € 15,50
De Wachtkamer

After checking in at the reception and mumbling ‘good afternoon’, you can take a seat in De Wachtkamer (the waiting room). Make yourself comfortable because you won’t be called for your intake interview until approximately 1,121 days from now. In the meantime, you’ll have to endure the company of your fellow waiters, some music, poetry, and an abacus.

What happens to you when your development is put on hold for years because of inadequate care? How can you live in the moment when you’d rather be in the future? And how can you remain true to yourself when you’ve never met yourself before? De Wachtkamer is a performance where the waiting time for gender care is accelerated approximately 53,000 times.

Accessibility info

The West-End theater has one wheelchair-accessible seat, reservations can be made via

open map

Show times

Sold out? Check one day before the performance to see if there are any tickets still available.
Friday 14 June 12:00
2. West-End Theater West
Dutch sign language interpreter
Friday 14 June 14:00
2. West-End Theater West
Dutch sign language interpreter
Friday 14 June 16:00
2. West-End Theater West