
The artist couple, De Magnifico’s, have been performing for years with their variety show featuring singing, dancing, and magic tricks. While one strives for entertainment, the other embraces high art. Unfortunately, De Magnifico’s can no longer maintain the facade of a perfect marriage, and their egos prove to be bigger than the space available on stage.
Aat Dirks and Merel Voorsluis portray De Magnifico’s: an artist couple, just like Aat and Merel are in real life. They openly showcase the deep emotions that come with being in a long-term relationship. They expose their vulnerability by revealing that behind the glitter and glamour of what seems like a perfect marriage, there can be plenty of difficulties, sadness, and frustrations. With many autobiographical elements, they craft this comedy: shameless, hilarious, and relatable, because many of us know that living together can sometimes be a bit challenging.