
Torn rubbish bags, brazenly snatched fish and chips, or loud squawking on your windowsill. The seagull’s advance is real. Or at least, encounters between humans and seagulls are becoming more frequent. At Werkplaats Oerol, Romke Gabe Draaijer is creating an audio installation that narrates the story of the seagull from the bird’s perspective. It poses the question: who is the real pest here?
Theatre maker Romke Gabe Draaijer (Firma Draaijer&DeVries) is conducting research within Werkplaats Oerol for his new work MEEUW 6004 (niet Tsjechov) and shares the initial results with the audience. The multilingual audio installation developed by Draaijer will narrate the story of the seagull, based on scientific research. A ‘Tsjechovian’ work-in-progress about humans and gulls, which prompts you to ponder who’s annoying whom. Draaijer was involved as a new theatre maker at the Atelier Lab in 2023 and is currently affiliated with Werkplaats Oerol. Together with Eline de Vries, he operates Firma Draaijer&DeVries. Draaijer’s creative process is supported by Tryater.
Keep an eye on the Instagram channel of Firma Draaijer & De Vries to sign up and find out where the seagull lands.