
Scripts have been learnt, there’s decor popping up in unexpected places, and the island is gearing up for thousands of curious visitors for ten days. The time has come: Oerol Festival 2024 has begun. On Saturday afternoon, 8 June, the festival hub de Deining will officially open its doors. This year, de Vallei, de Tent, and het Strand have been revamped. Experience de Deining 2.0, brimming with excitement, snacks & drinks, music, (street) theatre, storytelling, art, innovations, and dancing with your feet in the sand. At 13:00, our hosts Yuki Kho, Martin Rombouts, and Robbie Wallin will cut the ribbon. From 14:45, we’ll treat you to a smörgåsbord of performances that offer a taste everything Oerol has to offer. Will we see you there?
14:45 | Willie Darktrousers & het Geheim
The Netherlands’ most enigmatic songwriter has a new band.
15:30 | Official opening
With a dynamic blend of fashion and music, Mariseya draws you into her universe.
16:10 | The Ladder | Ahmad Mallah / Rebecca Lillich-Krüger
The Ladder is an exercise in trust, a symbol for exploring safety and connection.
Please note: The Ladder contains nudity. The performance lasts roughly 10 minutes.
16:20 | Musical excerpt from Crashtest Ibsen | Het Zuidelijk Toneel / Theaterproductiehuis Zeeland
A sneak peek of the triple-bill theatre binge Crashtest Ibsen. Three shows in one evening, featuring six actors embodying eighteen characters. Let’s Crashtest & Chill.
16:20 | De Eerste Dag met Martin Rombouts
Explore the highlights of the first day of Oerol with Martin Rombouts.
16:30 | QUEER MONSTERS | Daan Colijn
A celebration of self-exploration, driven by curiosity and courage!
16:45 | Over mensen | Luan Buleshkaj & Guillano Herdigein
Catchy tunes, wordplay, fun, and emotions!
Music crafted with hip-hop as the guiding compass, fearlessly blending genres. Expect pop songs, love ballads, and effortlessly humorous sing-alongs from Josh&Robs.