
In the context of Werkplaats Oerol, we will be collaborating in the coming years with SoAP Maastricht and artist Rita Hoofwijk around the nature reserves of the island without a festival permit. This edition, we meet at the boundary between the festival and protected nature area. ‘Think of it as a line in the sand: It is a boundary that does not come to separate two parts, not to divide, but to intertwine both sides forever.’ We now call this boundary the tangent line. At 10 locations of Oerol 2024, we invite you to seek out the tangent line and remain – stand there.
This edition, we meet at the boundary between the festival and protected nature area. ‘Think of it as a line in the sand: It is a boundary that does not come to separate two parts, not to divide, but to intertwine both sides forever.’ We now call this boundary the tangent line. At 10 locations of Oerol 2024, we invite you to seek out the tangent line and remain – stand there.
You can choose a moment to take a post at the tangent line. Make sure you have a phone with you and possibly earphones. Rita’s voice will guide you to 10 places scattered across the island, bringing you to the line where beginning and end meet. Together, we will embody this seemingly invisible boundary.