Tips for Saturday evening

Do you want to keep going after the opening? These shows and performances are still available to enjoy on Saturday evening, June 8th. More information about the performances will follow soon.

Ariah Lester

Ariah Lester

Bostheater 17:00-18:00 Get ready to dance!! A music show blending movement, Venezuelan folklore, Caribbean rhythms, house, rapping, spoken word, and operatic vocals.

Artificial by Nature JoostdeHaas Voorstelling

Nineties productions | Artificial by Nature

De Crossbaan 18:45-19:45 A science fiction performance about what it means to be human. With a generous dose of philosophy.

Rast Bergen Verzetten

Theater RAST / Ferhat Kaplan | Bergen Verzetten

Natuurtheater De Nollekes 21:45-23:00 Two accomplices confront their past and reveal the humanity of the criminal underworld. A story about irreversible choices, love and family.

Het Houten Huis | Theater STAP - Voor ze verdwijnen

Het Houten Huis / Theater STAP | Voor ze verdwijnen

Snijderspad 20:15-21:30 An extraordinary expedition to a newly discovered species of people. Are you coming on an adventure?

Groupe Zur - Vento

Groupe Zur | Vento

Oude voetbalveld West 23:00-23:50 The wind, sensual and furious, takes on a tangible form and invites you to travel through images and shadows, across the world.