Subco’s and Rosters

As volunteer coordinators, we are responsible for the coordination and organisation of all volunteers. During the festival, we are supported by our fantastic sub-coordinators. Each of them oversees their own team of volunteers.

Before the festival begins, the subco of your team will contact you. This will give you the opportunity to get acquainted over the phone and your subco will review your provided information with you. If you have any questions or special requests, you can discuss them with your subco during this call. You will also receive any additional information regarding your duties from your subco.

Twee vrijwilligers bemannen de merchandise shop op een van de festivaloorden tijdens Oerol 2022.

Two volunteers manning the merchandise shop at one of the festival sites during Oerol 2022. For all teams, except for the varia teams, the subco’s will create the roster before the festival starts. You can communicate your scheduling preferences to your subco, who will accommodate them as much as possible. This way, you will know your shifts before arriving at the festival!

As a varia volunteer, your subco will inform you of your specific tasks during the daily group meeting. Therefore, you will not receive a roster in advance. Due to the dynamic nature of the festival and the many changes that occur, the schedules for the varia teams are not fixed in advance but are adjusted based on the changes.

For all volunteer duties, you will work a maximum of 7 hours per day.

Your subco will provide you with information about your working hours and location. However, the direct supervision at your workplace is not always in the hands of the subco. In many cases, there will be a supervisor at your work location. In the catering area, these are the bar/catering heads, and at the Festival Heart, the location managers.

Besides creating and distributing the roster, your subco is mainly your support and confidant. If you encounter problems with your work/task, at the campsite, or have anything else you wish to discuss, talk to your subco. If you cannot resolve the issue with your subco, you can always come to us. If everything is going smoothly and you’re enjoying yourself, let your subco know as well; we love to hear that! Additionally, all subco’s organise a fun team activity during the festival to help you get to know each other better.
