
Oerol is a prime breeding ground for new site-specific art

For ten days, Terschelling offers a fantastic variety of locations, theatre, and art forms to explore.

From established artists to emerging talents, everything at Oerol is tailor-made, and the dedicated programming team is involved from the initial concept to the final performance. Approximately two-thirds of the site-specific performances at Oerol premiere with us.

Signaal bij Schemerduister een theatervoorstelling van componistenduo Strijbos & Van Rijswijk tijdens Oerol 2018, een wandelopera met vier zangeressen en 24 speakers op het Terschellinger strand.

On the island, literally at a distance, a focus is placed on artistic work that is otherwise hard to find. Moreover, it is presented to a large and enthusiastic audience that is open to experimentation and dialogue. For professionals, Oerol is an international showcase festival. Enthused by the experimental and influential programming it offers annually, they subsequently translate this to their own festivals or theatres.

For the press, the festival is an excellent opportunity to view new performances and discover emerging talent. The media are welcome on Terschelling for reports and interviews, both during the preparations and throughout the performances of artists and companies.

Request accreditation

We warmly welcome journalists and media reporters to Terschelling to report on the festival. To be eligible for accreditation, please fill out the accreditation form before 1st May 2024. Once accredited, you can report on specific performances.

Please note that Oerol Festival is not responsible for travel and accommodation expenses.


For all press-related matters at Oerol, you can contact our press coordinator, Miska Aksular. Contact her via