
Thank you for your dedication to another fantastic edition of Oerol! From April 2025, you can sign up as a volunteer for Oerol again. Keep an eye on our website and social media for more information.

See you next year!

Want to Volunteer at Oerol?

Can you see yourself setting up, taking down, pouring beers, guiding the audience, washing dishes, scanning tickets, making signs, or perfecting your barista skills? On this page, you will find everything you want to know about being a volunteer at Oerol.

Volunteer Roles

There are many different volunteer roles to choose from. Broadly, these roles can be divided into audience-related roles, backstage roles, and coordinating roles.

What do we expect from you?

  • You’re at least 16 years old.
  • You’re available for a minimum of 3 days.
  • You follow the general code of conduct and festival rules.
  • You’re excited to volunteer!

In return for your efforts, Oerol provides:

  • A free camping spot for a small tent
  • A festival wristband
  • A delicious lunch and dinner on the days you work
  • Discounts on drinks at the backstage café
  • An Oerol crew t-shirt
  • 50% off bike rental
  • And most importantly: 50% off show tickets if you work 6 to 13 days (a week or the entire festival), and 75% off if you work more than 13 days (the festival and part of the setup or teardown).

Equally important, you’ll work in a close-knit team, meet loads of friendly new people, get a peek behind the scenes, and have ample time to immerse yourself in everything Oerol has to offer!