Some regional and national partners include:
Station Noord
As a northern talent development program for the performing arts, Station Noord provides young theatre makers and groups the opportunity to develop and refine their artistic vision. Oerol acts as a partner and facilitator within this programme, offering not only financial support but also creating a platform for the presentation of the emerging talents’ work during the festival on Terschelling.
StrandLAB Almere
As a creative space and outdoor laboratory, StrandLAB provides a playground for artists and thinkers addressing societal issues. For Oerol, StrandLAB is a natural match to stimulate artists’ development. While there is a contrast between the beach in Almere and Terschelling, despite the different locations, StrandLAB Almere and Oerol share a common focus on the creative process and research in the natural environment, which is also partially man-made.
Nature & Culture Network
The Nature & Culture Network plays a significant role in the cultural landscape of Northern Netherlands by providing emerging (visual) artists and curators with a platform to develop at the intersection of nature and culture. Here, they have the opportunity to share knowledge and gain experience, supported by a broad group of museums, art schools, centers for visual arts, and the ‘Noordenaars,’ a network of art venues in the north. In 2023, efforts are underway to explore how talent development in the visual arts sector can become more structurally embedded in the unique cultural landscape of the Northern Netherlands.
This network also facilitates knowledge exchange with third parties, such as nature conservation organisations. The meetings are flexibly designed according to needs and vary in nature.
The core partners of the Nature & Culture Network are Arcadia, Into Nature, Oerol Festival, and Sense of Place. The Nature & Culture Network is made possible with the support of We the North.

Site-Specific Arts Talent Development Network (in formation)
Artists and partners were very positive about the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and insights during the inspiring meetings of the Atelier Lab, organised by Oerol and Over het IJ Festival in 2023. After reflecting on the meetings in the spring and summer, we took the lead in establishing the Site-Specific Arts Talent Development Network. This network brings together a broad group of arts venues, theatre companies, festivals, educational institutions, and research and residency locations, all of which have a passion for talent development in the field of site-specific work.
The main goal of the network is to align our offer and opportunities for (new) artists with a specific interest in site-specific work. This leads to tailor-made, demand-driven opportunities for artists and a smooth flow. Together, we are building a focused and sustainable talent development chain. We focus primarily on emerging and new artists who have a pronounced interest in site-specific work. The network is also open to artists who are not yet connected to or have a place within the offer of the partners and invites them to network meetings.
"Site-specific theater provides a context in which I can rediscover my wonder for the things that already exist. And I try to share this with the audience." Rachel Schuit, theatre maker
The following partners have expressed interest in being involved in the Atelier Site-Specific Art Development Network with us, Oerol and Over het IJ Festival. We are open to welcoming more partners to join.
Amsterdamse Bostheater/Boslab • Amsterdam Fringe Festival • Artez • DAS Arts AHK • De Schuur/Toneelschuur Producties • Explore the North • Feikes Huis • Flevolab (2 Turven Hoog, StrandLAB, Bontehond, Suburbia, Vis a Vis) • Gaudeamus • George & Eran Producties • Jonge Harten Festival • Karavaan • Kasko (voorheen: Kameroperahuis) • Likeminds • Maas theater en dans • Meervaart • Mezrab • Nineties Productions • NITE (Noord Nederlands Toneel, Club Guy & Roni) • Orkater • Peergroup • PLAN Brabant (Festival Cement, Theaterfestival Boulevard, DansBrabant, Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Festival Circolo, De Nieuwe Vorst, Podium Bloos, Parktheater Eindhoven, United Cowboys, Theater Artemis en de Verkadefabriek)• Productiehuis Muziekgebouw aan het IJ • Schweigman& • Station Noord (Club Guy & Roni, Explore the North, Grand Theatre, Het Houten Huis, Jonge Harten Festival, Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival Groningen, Noord Nederlands Orkest, NITE, Oerol, Oranjewoud Festival, Peergroup, Tryater en Welcome to the Village; Preparatory education and youth theater schools: De Noorderlingen, Garage TDI, Loods13 en Meeuw Jonge Theatermakers) • Stichting Ruimte Tijd • SoAP • Theater Oostpool • Theater RAST • Tryater • Veem House for Performance • Veenfabriek • Via Berlin • Via Rudolphi • Zeeland Nazomer Festival/Theaterproductiehuis Zeeland
In the coming period we will further develop and establish an appropriate organisational structure together. The aim is to make the network work based on reciprocity, where everyone – without financial exchange – contributes time, knowledge, and facilities.
Wadden Academy
Since 2012, Oerol and the Wadden Academy have joined forces by bringing together artists and scientists; scientists provide insight and context to Expedition projects and performances, illuminating the themes from a scientific perspective and fostering an engaging dialogue between art and knowledge.