Over the years, various steps have been taken to make our electricity supply more sustainable. In 2023 we took a big step, with the complete replacement of traditional diesel generators made possible through the use of battery packs, solar panels, and fixed grid power points.
This step was made possible with the assistance of Event Engineers and several residents of Terschelling who provided a power connection or offered Oerol the opportunity to install a power connection on their premises.

Before the theatre groups perform at Oerol, we first have a conversation to determine if it is necessary to provide a power supply, or if they can use natural sources such as daylight. Depending on the choices made, we provide the groups with Wattsun batteries from Battery Rental if they only need a sound system. When more power is required, we use solar generators from Volta Energy and EcarPOWER trailers, which we charge at the Terschelling Solar Park.