Show times

Eva Bartels

Mothers of Art IV: Ana Mendieta


Genre Experience theatre
Access with festival wristband and ticket
Duration 60 minutes
Location Bubble plek
Type Open air
Price € 0,00

What is better: to die or to reproduce? Within Werkplaats Oerol, Eva Bartels explores pressing questions that resonate with the painful phases of our earthly existence. Together with you, she explores the rituals that have emerged and how we relate to the non-human world around us.

Bartels intertwines her work with the occult Earth Works of Cuban-American performance artist Ana Mendieta. Through re-enactments and group rituals with the audience, such as a living burial and group fertilisation, she closely follows Mendieta’s process, aiming, like her, to restore the relationship between humans and nature. Bartels places herself as the suffering subject in an attempt to free herself from guilt, shame, and imposed traditional norms. During this struggle, she questions herself and those around her, searching for new forms and rituals that fit the grey areas of our time.

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Show times

Sold out? Check one day before the performance to see if there are any tickets still available.
Saturday 8 June 16:00
Bubble plek Middle
Tuesday 11 June 16:00
Bubble plek Middle