Parking in Harlingen

If you’re planning to visit the Oerol Festival on Terschelling, Harlingen is often your starting point.

Finding suitable parking, however, can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are several parking options available in Harlingen.

On the website below, you’ll find current information about parking facilities located directly near Harlingen Haven.

In addition, there are many other parking providers in Harlingen. We recommend exploring the options before making your choice.


  • You can also reserve your parking spot in advance. The long-term car parks are a 15-minute walk from the terminal, but the municipality of Harlingen also offers a shuttle service.
  • Due to the hustle and bustle at the terminal, make sure to arrive well in advance at the car park in Harlingen so that you can board the ferry stress-free!
  • It’s wise to reserve your parking spot online in advance; otherwise, you’ll pay an additional € 1,00 per day.

Do you have an electric car?

There are two charging points in the Waddenpromenade parking garage. In the long term car parks (P1/P2/P3) of the municipality of Harlingen, 52 charging points are available.

Auto rijdt parkeergarage Waddenpromenade van Parkeren in Harlingen in, gelegen op de veerhaven van Rederij Doeksen.
