This physical, moving, and hopeful circus and dance performance is presented by six acrobats aged between 55 and 68, with a background in classical or more traditional circus. A story about the resilience of our bodies, about seeing and being seen, and about the boundary between classical and contemporary circus. Circus history archived in the body.
Age and aging are still taboos in our society, perhaps nowhere more so than within the circus world. Just like top athletes, most acrobats stop intensive training after a certain age. How do such perfect bodies transform? Can a person ever make peace with their own body? Glorious Bodies sheds light on the aging process in a unique way. Something that’s happening to all of us, right now, at this very moment. The performance is built around partner acrobatics and movement, breaking stereotypes about the older generation. An awesome, charming, and funny show that showcases the capabilities of people and their bodies. Why should age be a limit?