If you arrive before Thursday, June 6th, you will be automatically assigned to our setup team. The setup team has its own sub-coordinator: Roel de Jonge. During the setup period, your point of contact will not be your team sub-coordinator but us (the volunteer coordinators) and Roel.
The setup crew is a diverse mix of volunteers from different teams. Setting up is always a lot of fun because the team isn’t very large yet, so you get to know everyone really well! You also get to see the festival take shape, and the volunteer gatherings are even more enjoyable. The setup involves a variety of tasks, from supporting office work to heavy lifting and construction. You might be building creative decorations or clearing out a sheep stable.

Two men are building fences at the former festival site, De Betonning, at Oerol. In the morning, everyone takes care of their own breakfast at the campsite. We gather at the Oerol office (Zuid Midslandweg 4) at 09:00. There, we have a cup of fresh coffee or tea and review the list of tasks to be done that day (and occasionally for the following day). Our setup coordinator, Roel, assigns the tasks, and then everyone heads to their respective setup locations. For those working on-site, food and drinks are brought around lunchtime. For those working in and around the Oerol office, lunch is provided at Loods Kinnum (address: Kinnum 4 – the shed with the beautifully painted door). Everyone working gets a warm meal in the evening at the Stay Okay in West-Terschelling.
If you are coming to help with setup or takedown and have sturdy shoes and old clothes, please bring them. It is mandatory to use the following safety equipment on the work floor:
- Safety shoes
- Safety gloves (also provided)
- Earplugs/earmuffs (also provided)
- Safety glasses (also provided)
- Safety helmet (also provided)
- Dust mask (also provided)
As well as good rain gear (probably not needed, as good weather is expected!). We have excellent ponchos, but they might not hold up against a full day of heavy building.