Travel to Harlingen Haven

Discover sustainable ways to travel to Harlingen Haven that are not only good for the environment but also convenient and affordable:

Train and bus

Harlingen Haven is located next to the train station of the same name and is the departure point for the ferry to Terschelling. You can easily plan your journey to Harlingen Haven via the websites of Arriva, NS or Good to know: NS trains run entirely on wind energy. Additionally, Arriva trains, which operate on the final stretch between Leeuwarden and Harlingen Haven, are becoming greener. They aim to be completely carbon neutral by 2025.

If you’re coming from Friesland or Groningen, you can also book a Wadden Return ticket via Rederij Doeksen. They offer affordable bus and train return tickets from all Arriva train stations in Friesland and Groningen. Moreover, you can also book a bus day pass for transportation to your accommodation on Terschelling. If you’ve rented a bike, the bike rental company will arrange for your luggage to be brought and collected.

Do you want to take your bike on the train? That’s allowed and possible – but only at certain times. Check the Arriva and NS websites for the rules of the game.


How to take your bike on the train (in Dutch)


Did you know that annually in the Netherlands alone, over a billion kilometres are travelled to (sports) events and festivals? And that as much as 60 to 85% of the CO2 emissions from these events are caused by transportation? Often, visitors’ cars are only half-full. That can and should change. Even if you travel by car, you can still make sustainable choices:

  • If you have space in your car to take someone along, soon you can offer your ride via Slinger, and make your journey to Oerol more enjoyable, cheaper, and more sustainable! How does it work? Simple. Download the Slinger app, indicate that you’re heading to Oerol, and whether you have space in your car. Alternatively, search for a ride with someone nearby. This way, you not only reduce traffic congestion and the need for parking spaces but also lower the overall CO2 emissions. More information will follow.
  • Do you have an electric car? There are two charging points in the Waddenpromenade parking garage. Currently, there are 52 points available at the long-term parking lot (P2) of the municipality of Harlingen. There are plenty of fast chargers along the highway. You can find an up-to-date overview of all charging points here.
  • Use an electric car-sharing service like MyWheels, SnappCar, Greenwheels, SIXT Share or Greenmobility.
  • Do you have a diesel car? Refuel with renewable diesel at one of these 120+ fuel stations. This can result in a fossil CO2 saving of up to 85%!


One of the most sustainable ways to reach Harlingen is by taking a bike. Plan a beautiful ride using Komoot or the route planner of the Fietsersbond (Cyclists’ Union). Take your time and enjoy a scenic journey!

Additional advantage: you can take your bike on the ferry! Check the rates and rules on Rederij Doeksen’s website.
