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Bumble B. Boy

Bumble B. Boy


Genre Music
Access with wristband
Duration 60 minutes
Location de Deining: de Vallei
Type Open air
Accessible for Wheelchair user, Walking difficulties, Blind/ visually impaired
Bumble B. Boy

Bumble B. Boy is a rapidly rising art-punk star who didn’t quite make it as a children’s entertainer. Instead, he pushes boundaries on stage and surprises audiences with his unique blend of theatricality, storytelling, and electrifying punk energy.

Who, or what, is Bumble B. Boy? Ask the kids on your street, and they’ll tell you they’ve seen him at a birthday party dressed not as a bee, but as a beekeeper in one of those protective suits. Ask an insider from the music industry, and you’ll discover Bumble B. Boy as a quirky Dutch festival sensation. Fully charged, he takes the stage with his electric punk sound.

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You will need a festivalband for this programming. No festivalband? You can get one here.
Thursday 13 June 20:00
de Deining: de Vallei Festivalhub