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Genre Concert, Music
Access with wristband
Duration 60 minutes
Location de Deining: de Vallei
Type Open air
Accessible for Wheelchair user, Walking difficulties, Blind/ visually impaired

Dalregen, Naga Damai, Appaloosa… The titles of Cocobolo’s instrumental tracks are a creative catalyst. The songs resonate with a blend of classic funk, trippy psychedelic rock, and laid-back surf guitar licks: all in all, a rich retro sound.

Cocobolo reckons music’s not just for your ears – it’s for your eyes too. They pen each tune starting with a picture, turning it and the track into a story, like a mini-movie in your head. Imagine you’re the star in a spy chase or tiptoeing through the twilight forest. It’s these kinds of scenes that give all their songs a common thread: they get your imagination buzzing.

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You will need a festivalband for this programming. No festivalband? You can get one here.
Monday 10 June 20:00
de Deining: de Vallei Festivalhub