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Genre Concert, Music
Access with festival wristband and ticket
Duration 60 minutes
Location 25. Bostheater
Type Open air
Accessible for Wheelchair user, Blind/ visually impaired, Walking difficulties
Price € 15,50
Mono-poly & Kriya Familia-De Luwte-© Marleen Annema-7580.jpg

Metius, also known as Jacco Gardner, takes you on a musical journey full of dreams and adventure. His performances honor the golden years of electronic music but with a modern twist. Gardner uses legendary synthesizers such as the Minimoog, Yamaha DX7, and Roland Jupiter-8 to create warm, organic sounds that transport you back to the glory days of the ’70s and ’80s.

Consider the influence of iconic artists such as Kraftwerk, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, and Jean-Michel Jarre. Their impact is clearly audible in the captivating melodies and cosmic sounds that Metius brings to life. His music evokes memories of a time when electronic music was still in its infancy and experimental sounds were the norm.

Metius’ live setup is impressive and complex, utilizing a modular MIDI-based multi-timbral synthesizer setup filled with self-developed programs. He works with early digital sequencers and computers such as the Atari ST, Amiga, and 68k Macintoshes from the 1980s. These technologies, which once represented the future of music production, now offer a nostalgic sound that bridges the past and the present.

Metius’ music is more than just sound; it is an experience that takes you on a journey through time. At the Oerol Festival, where the magic of analog technology and the stunning nature of Terschelling come together, his enchanting sounds will transport you to bygone eras while leading you towards a new destination.

Accessibility info

The access route from the bicycle parking is 85 meters of grassy/woodland path.

open map

Show times

Sold out? Check one day before the performance to see if there are any tickets still available.
Tuesday 11 June 17:00
25. Bostheater Middle
Tuesday 11 June 19:30
25. Bostheater Middle