The Supervisory Board is an internal body of the Oerol Foundation that oversees and provides advice and support to the executive director. The Board particularly ensures that the implementation of the management policy aligns with the established and approved policy plans and principles.
In the composition of the Board, specific attention is given to ensuring relevant areas of expertise (artistic, organisational, financial, legal, marketing, sponsorship, diversity) and keeping in mind various interests (visitors/friends, island, governments, cultural sector, companies, etc.). Statutorily, the maximum term of office is twice a period of four years. The (side) functions of members and management are not incompatible with the board/executive role or with the interests of the Foundation.
The performance of both the Board and the management is evaluated annually.

These are the members of the Supervisory Board of Oerol:
Jerry Straub (chair)
Dick Visser
Mirella Muroni
Baukje Jensma
Trix van der Vleuten
Ton Schroor
These are unpaid positions. The Board and management adhere to the Governance Code for Culture and endorse the Fair Practice Code and the Diversity and Inclusion Code.